CSE HTML Validator Lite
CSE HTML Validator Lite is a fast, easy to use, and free HTML development tool for Microsoft Windows that helps you create problem-free HTML (including HTML5), CSS, and XHTML documents. You’ll be surprised how many problems may exist in your HTML, even if it was made with a WYSIWYG editor or automatic HTML generator. CSE HTML Validator will help you locate and fix problems so that your documents are more likely to display correctly in variety of web browsers, including mobile browsers. You can even fix your documents inside of CSE HTML Validator by using the lightweight integrated editor. Make sure that your website visitors do not leave your site because they run into problems caused by poorly written HTML. Correct HTML also makes it easier for search engine spiders to index your site. It’s also a great learning tool.
Full Specifications
Version 16.05 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.