Excel Invoice Template
Excel Invoice Template provides a simple way to whip up an invoice in Microsoft’s Excel spreadsheet program. This template leaves room for all the important information in billing. It may be the perfect answer for certain business people.
The program’s interface will be familiar to frequent Excel users. Its spreadsheet design is full of new graphics, but it functions just like many will remember. Unfortunately, you’ll have to learn by experimenting because there’s no Help file. Fortunately, the program is easy to figure out. You simply enter your company’s name and address in the appropriate fields, and then do the same for the customer. Below this go the invoice number and the name of the salesperson. At the bottom of the screen is room for entering products, quantities, and cost. Excel Invoice Template adds up the totals and taxes for you, an especially endearing feature. The program’s best feature may the At a Glance box in the upper left. This displays the grand total for the invoice even when you can’t see the whole spreadsheet.
While we’d like to see a database for storing product and shipping information, we think Excel Invoice Template has a lot to offer business users. By stripping the process of creating an invoice down to its core elements, this freeware add-in will be a help to those who don’t need to create a lot of invoices. Those who do may want to find a more database-friendly program.