Presto Transfer Windows Mail

Developer’s Description

Presto Transfer Windows Mail
Presto Transfer Windows Mail is an application designed to help automate the transferral of your Windows Mail contacts and mail from one computer to another. Presto Transfer’s easy to use wizard interface creates a self-extracting transfer archive of your data which can be restored by simply running it on the destination computer. The transfer archive can be automatically burned to CD/DVD, written to a USB MP3 player, a removable drive or shared across a network

Presto Transfer Windows Live Mail 3.14 Description:

Presto Transfer Windows Live Mail is an application designed to help automate the transferral of your Windows Live Mail contacts and mail from one computer to another. Presto Transfer’s easy to use wizard interface creates a self-extracting transfer archive of your data which can be restored by simply running it on the destination computer. You will be able to atumatically burn the transfer archive to a CD/DVD, write it to a USB MP3 player, a removable drive or shared across a network.

Presto Transfer Windows Live Mail 3.14 Features:

· Easy to use Wizard Interface
· Creates Self-Extracting Compressed Archive
· Transfer via CD/DVD, Removable Drive, Network or FTP
· Auto-Detects Transfer Destination
· Supports Unicode Files


Presto Transfer Windows Live Mail 3.14 Limitations:

· Although there is no limit to the number of times you create a transfer archive using Presto Transfer, it is necessary to purchase the software to restore your data on the destination computer


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Presto Transfer Windows Live Mail security information

You cannot download any crack or serial number for Presto Transfer Windows Live Mail on this page. Every software that you are able to download on our site is legal. There is no crack, serial number, hack or activation key for Presto Transfer Windows Live Mail present here. Our collection also doesn’t contain any keygens, because keygen programs are being used in illegal ways which we do not support. All software that you can find here is freely downloadable and legal.

Presto Transfer Windows Live Mail installation package is prepared to be downloaded from our fast download servers. It is checked for possible viruses and is proven to be 100% clean and safe. Various leading antiviruses have been used to test Presto Transfer Windows Live Mail, if it contains any viruses. No infections have been found and downloading Presto Transfer Windows Live Mail is completelly problem free because of that reason. Our experts on malware detection tested Presto Transfer Windows Live Mail with various spyware and malware detection programs, including custom malware and spyware detection, and absolutelly no malware or spyware was found in Presto Transfer Windows Live Mail.

Presto Transfer Windows Mail is an application designed to help automate the transferral of your Windows Mail contacts and mail from one computer to another. Presto Transfer’s easy to use wizard interface creates a self-extracting transfer archive of your data which can be restored by simply running it on the destination computer. The transfer archive can be automatically burned to CD/DVD, written to a USB MP3 player, a removable drive or shared across a network.

Version: 3.42

Price: $9.95  All upgrades are absolutely free.


Features:· Easy to use Wizard Interface
· Creates Self-Extracting Compressed Archive
· Transfer via CD/DVD, Removable Drive, Network or FTP
· Minimize to System Tray

      • Minimize Presto Transfer to the system tray during your transfer and you will be notified when the transfer has completed.

· Auto-Detects Transfer Destination
· Supports Unicode Files

Presto Transfer IE and Windows Live Mail


Presto Transfer IE and Windows Live Mail helps transfer your favorites, mail and address book

Presto Transfer IE and Windows Live Mail helps transfer your favorites, mail and address book from one computer to another.

Pros: Whenever users want to move from one machine to another, there’s a lot of existing data one needs to transfer. Useful links stored on the favorites tab of the IE, all the mail accumulated in the Outlook and so on. The contact/address book is another set of very useful data. Presto Transfer IE and Windows Live Mail can help automate the transfer. The application has a wizard like interface. It creates a self extracting compressed archive. One can specify any drive/folder where the archive would be created. Typically an external drive or a removable media like a Flash drive should be specified. One could burn a CD/DVD for the transfer too or just write to a network drive or even FTP the archive over to a server. The file is automatically named as PrestoTransferIEandWindowsLiveMail.exe on the drive specified. This is the file that will be restored on the destination machine. On the Transfer file destination page if the burn CD/DVD option is chosen, write speed and couple of other parameters such as if the disc should be erased etc can be chosen. On choosing FTP, the ftp server name, user name & password, remote directory etc has to be set.

Restoration simply consists of executing the archive. At this time the restoration part of the wizard comes up for help.

Cons: Nothing problematic noticed.

Overall: This really simple to operate application serves a useful purpose. Being wizard based the user does not have to worry about what to archive if a machine transfer is to be done. The application takes care of everything. This rates 3 stars certainly.

Publisher’s description

Presto Transfer IE and Windows Live Mail is an application designed to help automate the transferral of your favorites, mail and address book from one computer to another. Once installed, Presto Transfer’s easy to use wizard interface creates a self-extracting transfer archive of your data which can be restored by simply running it on the destination computer. The transfer archive can be automatically burned to CD/DVD, written to a USB MP3 player, a removable drive, shared across a network or even sent to a remote FTP server!
The trial version of Presto Transfer will create an executable transfer archive but the software must be purchased before your data can be restored to the destination computer.

Presto Transfer Windows Mail

Presto Transfer Windows Mail is an application designed to help automate the transferral of your Windows Mail contacts and mail from one computer to another. Presto Transfer’s easy to use wizard interface creates a self-extracting transfer archive of your data which can be restored by simply running it on the destination computer. The transfer archive can be automatically burned to CD/DVD, written to a USB MP3 player, a removable drive or shared across a network.

Presto Transfer IE and Windows Mail is an application designed to help automate the transferral of your favorites, <BR>mail and address book from one computer to another. Once installed, Presto Transfer’s easy to use wizard <BR>interface creates a self-extracting transfer archive of your data which can be restored by simply running it on the <BR>destination computer. The transfer archive can be automatically burned to CD/DVD, written to a USB MP3 play

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